There is no single theory of intelligence all experts, psychologists and researchers would agree on. There many simplified or too broad definitions of intelligence, since it seems that we cannot actually understand what it means.
Interesting, since we are those thinking, intelligent beings. Perhaps it is indeed our nature, to wonder about things.
Some futurists believe we would eventually achieve the level of intelligence that would widen our perception to the degree that would make us capable of much deeper comprehension of the world we are a part of and ourselves within it. Although it might sound as a science fiction story, it may well be an interesting path of thinking.
It is not entirely impossible. We already work on numerous daring projects considering human intelligence, one of which is artificial intelligence. Although, at the first sight, it does not actually seem as a work on deepening our own perception, it must be so.
If we do not understand our own, inborn intelligence, how could we pass it on and store it in artificial creations?
Well, there are serious philosophically and metaphysical questions. Today we will be talking only about our own humane intelligence, as it is complicated enough.
What is intelligence? We have no concrete idea, as we have told. There is not a unanimous theory. In the dictionaries and lexicons, intelligence is commonly defined very simply.
It represents one’s ability to act out of reasoning, thinking and understanding and not out of pure impulses that come instinctively. We could all agree on this definition, though rather as a basis of some more profound one.
Some define human intelligence as our ability to adapt to changes. Well, we would add our intellectual ability, since all living beings adapt to the environment one way or another.
Needless to say, we could think about ourselves as special, thanks tour reasoning in its relation to instinct. Animals act out of instinct, but it has been proven that certain species do engage in reasoning.
There have been many studies analyzing animal’s behavior. Such studies were about how animals think and act. Some of the studies have proven that not all animals act out of pure instincts.
The Nature of Human Intelligence
Human intelligence is, by all means, a complex idea. In common talk, people identify intelligence with intellect and usually associate the idea of being intelligent with being smart enough to engage with academic studies.
Many other aspects of one’s personality and life prove the person was intelligent, if we could even use such etiquette. We generalize and simplify ideas in our speech, since it makes it easier to operate in the world.
There is hardly a division of intelligent and non-intelligent, speaking about people. Yes, there are definitely differences between our intellectual capacities, though human being is, by definition, an intelligent creature.
Therefore, calling someone non-intelligent is more of a matter of speech than an actual reality. Speaking of which, there could be different approach to the very nature of intelligence.
One interesting approach is that of multiple intelligences. It proposes that people have different types of intelligences; each one of us possesses this set of different intelligences or aspects of intelligence.
This idea would explain differences between people’s individual capacities, without branding them intelligent or non-intelligent r whatever else, based on only several parameters.
This theory proposes people possess linguistic-verbal intelligence, mathematical-logical intelligence, visual-spatial intelligence, rhythmic-musical intelligence, physical-kinesthetic intelligence, interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence, naturalistic or natural intelligence and, potentially, spiritual-existential intelligence and moral intelligence.
Originally, the theory proposes the first eight types.
According to this approach, each person possesses all of the types, but they are not equally distributed, of course. That explains why I could be a brilliant musician and my friend en excellent sportsperson and someone else a physicist or something else.
The point is that these are not necessarily connected. The theory in fact allows one to be brilliant in whatever field and that it still counts as being intelligent in one field and not within the other.
Many reject this theory as being too broad and speculative, since there are not enough empirical evidences. Those who oppose such a theory claim it is about talents and some additional skills and not intelligence at all.
Well, this is, indeed the problem of debating about intelligence; does it consists only of logical, mathematical and verbal or other abilities could be counted as intelligences?
Be it as it may, the theory could be helpful in understanding the problem of IQ testing. IQ tests, those commonly used, do not measure all types of intelligence. This is what multiple intelligences approach argues about.
IQ tests are focused on one’s logical thinking, reasoning, processing speed mostly. However, no IQ test tells about full capacities of an individual.
IQ Tests and Scoring
IQ test are in practice for over a century. The first test was created in France and it was a really simplified one. However, this first test proposed the category of mental age, instead of physical age, which was, of course of incredible use.
Later on, this test was adapted and currently, the most widespread IQ test it Wechsler’s test.
WIS is actually a family of IQ test designed by the American psychologists David Wechsler.
WAIS test is the most commonly practiced one and its fourth edition is now active. We will focus on WAIS classification scale, regarding IQ scores, and note some points from other scales as worth of mentioning and useful to understand the IQ scores classification as a whole.
According to WAIS scale, as according to most of the scales, average score is set around 100.
There is a standard deviation of 15 points. The average score will help us place other scores in their proper ranges, according to proposed scales. Test results that fall below 50 are considered ‘severely retarded’.
At that point, we cannot talk about normal intellectual functioning, let alone independent living. Scores that fall under the range from 50 to 70 are considered those of ‘moderately retarded’.
Scores from 71 to 80 are ‘borderline deficiency’. Scores from 80 to 89 are considered ‘bellow average’. It is interesting to note that, according to certain statistics, this range is most commonly associated with violent behavior.
Of course, this is not a rule and it does not mean that all bellow average individual would behave violently. The next is average score, from 90 to 109. Scores from 110 to 119 are ‘high average’, those from 120 to 129 are ‘superior intelligence’.
Scores that are above this range are all considered high, although differently labeled on various scales. Scores from 130 and up are considered those of ‘gifted’, while on classic scales, those of 140 and up are scores of a ‘genius’.
However, modern scales that deal with especially high levels label scores of 140 to 149 simply as ‘intelligent. Whatever scale you take, score of 107 falls under the category of average.
IQ 107 Score Meaning
The score of 107 places one within the range of average intelligence, perhaps the most controversial part of the scale. Why so?
Average intelligence etiquette does not tell much about one’s capacities; it seems that it tells even less than any other range of the scale(s). Average intelligence, by definition, suggests an individual has average task processing speed, average reasoning ability, average logic, average comprehension et cetera.
The problem is, indeed, the label ‘average’. This simply means that your IQ is amongst the most common, meaning you share similar intellectual abilities as majority of population.
Roughly, about 70% of population is of average IQ score. Now, this average score is nearer the upper limit, suggesting you are ‘more intelligent’ than some others of the same range. In practice, it does not reveal what you are all capable of.
However, an average score means you will have less difficulty in creating relationships with people around you; mutual understanding (talking about rational aspect of it) is essential in social relations.
Average score means one is perfectly fit for theoretical study, education in college format etc. Average score is full of potentials and these do not have to be average. The point is, IQ score does not tell about any additional skills.
You may be brilliant in one field of interest and very average in another. The label of ‘average intelligence score’ does not make one an average person; it would be very wrong top brand people in this manner.
However, we could perhaps talk about educational perspectives. This score, however, puts one slightly higher, though within the average range.
Of course, there are other factors to consider. Some experts claim there are factors that are even more important than IQ score, amongst which that of EQ or emotional intelligence. It makes perfect sense.
One of the average score, say that of 107, could be a perfectly content, reasonable, patient person, ready to invest time and effort into their goals.
Another one may be of much higher score, but impatient, impulsive, nervous or else. Of course, there are variations and combinations of both; we give this as an example of IQ scores real life functioning.
In addition, social setting, familial background and other conditions would play a role. Some experts also believe intelligence level is not set in stone. They believe IQ could be improved through effort and practice.
If you ask common people, non- academics and non-experts about IQ scores of 107, you will very likely hear the prevailing opinion on IQ tests as not very reliable. The thing is that personal experiences vary greatly.
Personality traits might as well be considered as an important factor in actual manifestation of someone’s IQ score.
As we have pointed out, IQ score 107 is considered a score at the higher point of average range.
It means one is aware of his or hers intellectual capacities and has a mind well equipped for higher education and would most likely experience not many problems regarding the very process of learning and/or work.