Most people equate the whole horoscope with their ruling sign, that is, their Sun sign. Well, astrology is much more complex than that! If you are interested into astrology, you are very likely familiar with at least some of its basics.
Astrology studies planetary movement in relation with real life experience of individual people. We focus on natal astrology and on personalized astrological birth reports readings.
Three are the basic factors that shape up one’s natal chart and that astrologers were interpreting. They are zodiac signs, of course, astrological planets and houses.
Houses are twelve fields into which each chart is divided. Astrological houses are analog with twelve zodiac signs. They tell about our experiences related to specific areas of life.
People inspect their houses, eager to discover which area of life would be the most auspicious, which one would be the most fragile, when and where and why to take some action, et cetera.
Eighth House in Astrology
The Eighth House is considered the most mysterious and the darkest field in astrology. This field is the house of death, secrets, the house of sacrifice, occultism and everything that is taboo.
Well, the Eighth House is the house of Scorpio; the most intriguing and the darkest sign of the zodiac, many would say. However, where there is darkness, there must be light, as well.
The sign of Scorpio and also the Eighth House is associated with regeneration, with karma, enlightenment, spiritual awakening and rebirth.
Through this house, one could reach moral and spiritual heights; this house represents tendencies towards the life of morality and righteousness. Some authors claim it the most powerful astrological house.
One thing is sure; the Eighth House is, indeed, a powerful field. It is identified with suffering, torture, manipulation, anathema and damnation, emotional instability and else, true.
However, all these negative concepts could be reversed, as this is a karmic house, or they could be a lesson.
This is a heavy, troublesome, perplexing and obscure field, but it has its secret powers that could be used for both better and worse. Everything deep, invisible, hidden and forbidden lies inside the eighth field.
All concepts associated with Scorpio apply to this field, including one’s carnal desires, emotionality, the power of regeneration and else.
The Eighth House is associated with (others’) resources; to make use of the analogy with Scorpio once more, this sign is a fixed one and this house is a Water house. The eighth field is a succedent house and this class of houses, so call them, is related to available resources.
The resources in connection with the Eighth House are often somehow linked to sacrifices. What does it mean for a native?
The House of Power and Sacrifice
This is the house associated with inheritance and properties, amongst other things.
Individuals with planets in the eighth field, especially with luminaries inside this house, the Sun and the Moon, are likely to get an advantage in life thanks to others and others’ resources.
It could happen that others would sacrifice so that these individuals get the best, especially when it comes to financial resources and stability.
However, it could happen exactly the other way around; an individual with planets in the eighth field would constantly have to sacrifice something he or she holds dear for the sake of others’ well-being.
Now, the concrete story greatly depends on individual chart. For example, a parent could sacrifice many things he or she would do for themselves, so to support their children and provide them a promising life.
In this story, both could have a dynamic Eighth House. The Eighth House could indicate forbidden relationships and complicated love life. For example, those with an accent inside the eighth field could easily fall deeply in love with someone who has already been taken.
On the other hand, they themselves could stay with someone out of guilt or responsibility, which could lead to greater problems. People with an accent in the Eighth House are often lonely or loners.
This field is the field of spiritual transformation and some individuals with this house emphasized will experience spiritual transformation, maybe more than once in a lifetime.
The Eighth House is the house of energy, such as chi, the life force. Some people with planets inside this field (especially the Sun or the Moon, again) could ‘feel’ other people, their energies, their auras and learn their thinking patterns.
These natives are different from common people; some of them would take it as a blessing, others as a curse.
The greatest healers, advisors and psychologists, generally people who somehow advise or heal others, have an emphasis on the Eighth House. The Eighth House gives people with, so to say, special powers, if emphasized. The most powerful ones are those with Pluto inside the Eighth House.
However, here we have Jupiter! Let us learn more about this incredible planet and see how it feels inside the house of death and mystery.
Jupiter in Mythology
Jupiter was an ancient aerial deity. His name, derived from Proto Italic words, could be translated as ‘sky father’, the father of sky.
Indeed, Jupiter was worshipped as the god of the sky, the king of gods and the deity of thunder and lightning. He is also known as Jove.
The cult of Jupiter played a significant role throughout both republican and imperial periods in the history of Rome. His was the state cult, as it was believed Jupiter granted supremacy to people of Rome, since they adored and honored the god more than any other deity.
The king of gods and men, Jupiter was a personification of the divine, heavenly authority of Roman rulers, high offices and institutions, internal organizations. He had the power to raise kings of men to their status. He was the god protector of the realm, to say so.
Jupiter was the most admired, adored and worshipped deity throughout the state of Rome, until Christianity won supremacy and the ancient world completely changed.
The first places of Jupiter worship were hilltops; well, tops of the hills and mountains are closer to the sky. The first shrines did not feature a statue of the god, but a sacred stone. The first known statue of the cult originates from the temple on Capitoline.
It was a statue made of baked clay and it portrayed the god as a bearded man. Classical art usually depicts Jupiter as a fit, handsome older man, strong and mighty.
Jupiter was the god of justice, wisdom, abundance, growth, prosperity and progress, amongst other functions. He was the rain making deity, the god of lightning, thunder and weather.
Not only that kings and high officers of the Roman state honored Jupiter, but also the common folk. He was believed to protect people’s lands and crops and to grant a fruitful, rich harvest.
He was a protective, wise and a powerful god. His Greek counterpart was, of course, the mighty Olympian Zeus, the supreme god of the Greek pantheon. The legend of how Jupiter came to power is something to know.
According to the myth, Jupiter was saved from his cruel father Saturn, by his mother. Saturn, the titan, devoured his children, in fear of the prophecy that eventually happened.
He was afraid that his children will bring him down, since he got the power by overthrowing and castrating his own father, Uranus. Jupiter succeeded and won the rule over the world.
His shared the power with his well-known divine brothers, gods Neptune and Pluto (Poseidon and Hades). Thus, Jupiter became the supreme god.
Jupiter in Astrology – Planets in Houses
Stories about Roman gods, whose names the astrological planets carry, and the importance of cults throughout history, are always an interesting introduction into the meaning and significance of heavenly bodies, as seen through the astrological prism.
The meanings are not completely same, but there are similarities in symbolism, in functions and attributions.
In astrology, Jupiter is considered the greatest benefactor. Jupiter is the planet of luck and fortune, growth and expansion, wealth and richness, optimism and progress.
Jupiter is one of the so-called social planets; the other is Saturn. Social planets could be understood as a link between what is ultimately personal and what is beyond this world.
These planets affect our relation to the public, our place within the society, our attitude towards it, as well as institutions and organizations that have to do with the culture and society and their preservation.
Religion, tradition, law, government have to do with these planets. The comparison would help us understand Jupiter better.
Jupiter is opposite to his neighbor Saturn. While Saturn represents limitations, restriction, poverty, illness, misfortune and is the greatest malefic in astrology, Jupiter is everything the opposite.
Jupiter is the planet of expansion, richness, good fortune and is considered the most benevolent one. People governed by Jupiter are optimistic, easygoing, faithful and wise.
Jupiter is associated with distant travels, with foreign lands and people, with wisdom and high education and knowledge, influential and high positions within the society.
Typically, people with strongly positioned Jupiter are capable to turn their knowledge and wisdom into their advantage and easily win themselves high places. Jupiter is associated with authority, titles and rich people.
Being closely associated with religion, faith, knowledge and education, Jupiter represents gurus, tutors, guides, priests, professors, philosophy and faculty. The belief in goodness is probably the main trait of the children of Jupiter, to call them so.
Jupiter could become a bit too expansive, though, so the native ruled by it could lack the sense of responsibility and boundaries, though would never intentionally step over other people, being generous, merciful and big-hearted.
Jupiter in the Eighth House – Jupiter in 8th House
Jupiter is the Eighth House indicates an exceptional ability for emotional regeneration.
People with Jupiter, the planet of fortune, optimism and expansion, amongst other things, in the eighth, karmic filed of regeneration, have an incredibly precious ability to recover from terribly traumatic events very fast and without serious consequences.
This does not mean they put negativities bellow the carpet or try to suppress them; not at all. They truly recover. Having Jupiter in the Eighth House is a true gift.
If aspects were right and depending on the situation in the native’s natal chart and other houses, this person is likely to have a very intense need to grow and develop.
These natives are very self-aware and always in need for something more; they are willing to learn beyond conventions.
In fact, they are ready to dig deep and reach knowledge hardly one would dare to dig for. Well, it could sound a bit scary, even, but not for those with Jupiter in the Eighth House.
As Jupiter is associated with expansion and growth and the eighth field has much to do with intimate relations, this position of Jupiter indicates a very strong libido.
Everything has to do with self-development and learning about oneself, in every single sense, all in order to expand the knowledge, to improve oneself, to use the potentials.
Since this field has to do with resources and investments, and Jupiter with fortune, it is likely that a native with such a combination would have luck when it comes to business, investing and financial gain. Perhaps some sort of inheritance would be involved, as well.
This native tends to lead a righteous, moral life, ethical and fair. Concepts of religiousness and spirituality may play a prominent role in this natives’ life.
Jupiter in 8th House – Good or Bad Karma
If aspects with Jupiter in the Eighth House were positive, the native could, in fact, be very fortunate, especially when it comes to business investments and resources.
We have mentioned that the eighth field is associated with inheritance and with others’ sacrifices and resources, meant to support and please the native.
With Jupiter in the Eighth House, the course of events is likely to be fortunate, regarding these, but it requires good aspects. If aspects were not so favorable, there could be many troubles and difficulties, hidden from the native’s eye.
Such dangers are typically associated with native’s recklessness in approach and communication.
Such a native could make enemies without even knowing it or, a better scenario, he or she could unintentionally turn away from some rather good (professional, financial) opportunities.
Misunderstandings and arguments over the perception of professional ethics are likely to ensue. However, this depends on the overall personality of the native and of aspects.
Jupiter in the Eighth House – A Dark Optimist
Generally, such a native is likely to be highly intuitive and his or her intuition would rarely disappoint.
Well, this is an unusual combo, since we have the most positive planet, the easygoing, benevolent and optimistic Jupiter, inside the house of darkness and death.
This makes for a unique personality, one optimistically involved with ‘dark’ stuff. As the case is with all those with a strong influence of Jupiter, there is a risk of not knowing any limitations.
Natives with Jupiter in the Eighth House could grow overly emotional and also highly manipulative personalities.
Some authors claim Jupiter in the eighth field is more likely to affect you negatively than positively. However, bad aspects are ‘needed’ in that case. The thing is that some people tend to think about everything that is mysterious, hidden and out of the mainstream as dark and negative.
Jupiter in the Eighth House, for example, would possibly direct a native towards studying the occult and esoteric, but it does not count as something bad per se, right? Through all the ‘dark’ interests, the native grows and learns about him or herself.
These natives should see not to abuse their gifts to manipulate others, which is definitely not a way to go and it would likely haunt you.