The moon is known to people for the fact that the tides are mostly caused by its gravity.
It is occasionally mentioned that during the full moon, mental hospitals are full of weirdos who identify with Napoleon or some other historical figure, and that people are sensitive, drink more, and are prone to crime and strange behavior. That’s about all we know about the moon.
In addition to being a natural earth satellite only about 380,000 kilometers away, it is especially important in astrology because, according to some authorities, it represents the female principle, the finest, most subtle and subtlest part of every human being.
By being so sensitive, it creates an eruption of emotions in a person that make him receptive to external events.
It represents the mind more, and only then the feelings that arise as a consequence of a healthy or sick mind.
The world around us and the one we create depends on the power of the Moon.
In the West, the astrologer uses his position to figure out and determine whether the client likes dim light or not and what his supposed feelings are.
Moon – Meaning and Info
The lunar nodal axis is of great importance in karma astrology. It describes the tasks to be mastered in this life, our inner development goals and tells us a lot about old patterns and behaviors from the past.
In Buddhism and Hinduism, karma denotes the law of cause and effect based on the intention behind an action. Both good and bad actions and thoughts of a person determine the fate.
The consequences do not necessarily have to take effect in this life, because the teaching of karma is connected with the rebirth of the dead souls.
Accordingly, each of us brings old karma with us from previous existences, which should be removed in this incarnation.
If you want to take a look at your life’s task, the hidden life plan or your prenatal decision, what should be learned and done in this life on earth, you should look in particular at the lunar node axis. Many astrologers see them as the quintessence of our biography.
It shows which conditions we should say goodbye to, since a maturation process is no longer possible and shows us the path of greatest inner growth.
The southern lunar knot stands for familiar topics, wounds, for vices, for acquired skills and talents and the northern lunar knot for beneficial steps that can bring great satisfaction.
All in all, useful things from the past should be retained and supplemented with new behaviors to complete the personality. In the first half of life there is a tendency to hold onto what is familiar; only frustration, strokes of fate and existential needs lead to change.
From a geocentric point of view, the sun moves around the earth. This is the so-called solar path, which we call the ecliptic. The moon also orbits the earth, but its orbit does not coincide with the ecliptic, it deviates by 5.9 degrees.
The points of intersection at which the sun and lunar orbits intersect are called the lunar nodes. During the monthly orbit of the earth, the moon cuts the sun’s orbit twice: once in a north or ascending direction and two weeks later in a south or descending direction.
The two lunar nodes are always polar opposite in the zodiac. It moves slowly backwards, i.e. from Aries to Pisces, then to Aquarius, etc., takes about 18 ½ years for a complete cycle and is generally interpreted in the horoscope in the signs and individually in the house placement.
The ascending lunar knot, also known as the dragon’s head, stands for the conscious, voluntary development of the personality and shows the way to fulfillment (sun), the descending lunar knot, also known as the dragon’s tail, symbolizes unconscious experiences brought with us from the past (previous incarnations) and seduces us, to keep old habits (moon). All in all, the here and now is about the synthesis of two opposing qualities.
North Node – Meaning and Info
The lunar nodes denote the two points of intersection of the orbit of the sun and the moon around the earth.
This is also called the ecliptic in astronomy. The lunar nodes are exactly opposite each other – they form an axis. The connection of the two nodes is the node line.
The points of intersection of the ecliptic (knot) arise because the lunar orbit is not exactly the same as the sun’s orbit around the sun.
The lunar plane is inclined by 5 degrees 9 minutes (inclination) compared to the earth’s orbit.
If the node is north of the ecliptic and crosses the lunar node from north to south in its monthly cycle, one speaks of an ascending (“northern”) lunar node.
If the moon crosses the nodes from north to south on its orbit, it is referred to as the descending (“southern”) lunar node.
If the moon is near a passage through one of the nodes, a lunar eclipse can occur with a full moon at the same time.
A lunar eclipse can occur at a new moon. Both phenomena can occur with an ascending lunar node as well as with a descending lunar node. The time between two passes of the sun through the same lunar node is known as the eclipse year.
The old expression “dragon point” comes from the image of the dragon. This “devours” the moon or the sun when it is dark, which is why one speaks of a dragon’s tail (lat. Cauda draconic) when the lunar knot descends and of the dragon’s head (lat. Caput draconic) when the lunar knot rises.
The knots never stay in the same place. They wander and move backwards in the process. A complete orbit through the zodiac takes 18 years, seven months and nine days.
The axis of the lunar nodes unites the sun and the moon. The orbits of both celestial bodies meet at these points of the orbits.
In astrology, the descending lunar node represents the past and karma. It also reflects childhood experiences. The ascending lunar node means future and development. It also stands for partnership and connection with other people.
Moon opposite North Node – Synastry, Transit, Composite
The nodes are not physical bodies with their own mass, like planets, but some mythical points that denote the intersection of two orbits in space. This means that there is no logical reason to use their “mechanical influence”, which determines the activity of the earth.
Nevertheless, over the centuries, various astrological schools have used the interpretation of the location of the nodes, especially the lunar ones. Lunar nodes. The moon’s orbit crosses the ecliptic plane at two opposite points – the North and North nodes.
Since the basis of astrology is astronomical data, an astrologer must understand the scientific nature of such a phenomenon as knots if he wants to use their astrological symbols. To understand what lunar nodes are, you need to imagine:
The planes of the Earth’s orbit and the Moon’s orbit intersect at an angle of 58′40 ″. The intersection line forms the axis of the lunar nodes, north and south.
Every month the Moon, crossing the ecliptic plane, enters its north node and moves from south latitude to north latitude.
When, in monthly transit, it enters its southern node, then in relation to the ecliptic it moves from north to south latitude. That is, when the Moon is in conjunction with one of the nodes, it does not have a latitude coordinate.
In the traditional interpretation of the lunar nodes, the ecliptic (the factor of zodiacal longitude) is considered to be a constant factor, and the plane of the lunar orbit is, as it were, creeping backward along the ecliptic.
Hence, the movement of the lunar nodes has a backward character.
From the point of view of the geocentric system, the axis of the nodes is the connection, the relationship between the Earth and the Sun in the relationship of the Moon with the Earth, therefore, we can say that the lunar nodes symbolize the relationship of the Earth with two luminaries: the Sun and the Moon.
In astrological symbolism, the path from the ecliptic to the north is considered a movement towards a positive factor and creative consciousness, and the path south of the ecliptic is considered a distance from spiritual consciousness to the material sphere.
Therefore, the north node is considered to give a positive and spiritual direction, divine protection and the successful application of volitional efforts.
The moon in the zone of the northern node, as it were, tends to the Sun, reflecting its strength and will, and in the zone of the southern node, it symbolically turns its back on the solar influence and enters the kingdom of material energies in human nature.
So, the axis of the lunar nodes works in two processes of integration and disintegration of the personality, in which the solar, spiritual nature of human individuality is constantly merging and disconnecting with the lunar, intimate nature.
The north node and the period of the lunar cycle, during which it passes through the northern latitudes, are associated with that period of a person’s life when his psychic lunar nature has a creative spiritual direction of development.
The period during which the Moon passes through the southern latitudes corresponds to those moments of life when the spiritual forces that appeared in the middle of the northern cycle have been assimilated and are going through the process leading to their liberation.
In a negative process, this can become an unreasonable waste of energy and destruction of the personality.
In the area of the northern node, life requires a person to make efforts in a specific direction, indicated by the position of the node in the house and the sign.
The zodiac degree of the north node indicates the qualities and abilities that his future will require from a person.
If a person is able to concentrate his efforts in this direction, he creates his own personality and strengthens its strength.
In the zone of the southern node, by its position in the sign and in the house, one can determine what a person came to this world with. His innate abilities, talents that will manifest naturally, with ease, at an early age.
A person does not even know about the power that he possesses and is sincerely surprised at the consequent lack of these abilities in others.