The Tenth House has to do with social standing, reputation, ambition to make a difference and the responsibility of society.
The placement of the Part of Fortune in this house indicates that you find happiness when you cultivate your personal integrity and develop the strength to follow faithful to your ethical and professional principles.
Part of Fortune – Meaning
The straight line consists of the rigid back, in spite of occupying an important position in society, and not requiring that others share necessarily your point of view.
Not all white and black, and understanding the complex structures of life is not as simple as it seems.
Your social situation, which is so important to you, will only be solid when you fully assume the responsibility that it entails, and when organizes you around according to the demands it represents.
It is probable that you have to accept a series of obligations that demand all your attention, but at the end you will feel a great satisfaction when you see the structures and ways forming and receiving the deserved recognition.
With the time you will learn to make the right decisions and climb, thanks to your realistic tactics and well thought out, the hairs up there.
You have the ability to use your social relationships for your purpose and achieve a good reputation.
On the other hand, your influential position makes it easier for you to support your colleagues and help with good advice.
Inside you feel a deep respect for each individual, and you stand out for your correct treatment, that you accept the limits of each one.
If you still need to develop some of the mentioned qualities, it is worth doing it as before, if you would like to feel truly happy to live, because you will not easily lose yourself in an improper personal treatment.
For you to feel well, it is also essential that you act according to your high moral principles.
For example, your ethical sense will not allow you to approve of others and demand something that you have not earned for your own efforts.
If, for some reason, you act in this manner, you would feel unhappy and unsatisfied, despising it.
As a result, it is better to have clear guidelines for the same, without losing spontaneity due to excessive self-control.
10th House – Meaning
Everything that the 9th House dreams of, the 10th House brings to Earth. In the quadrant system of house division, the Middle of the Sky the degree of the ecliptic that is at the highest point of the meridian of any point marks the cusp of the 10th House.
The middle of the sky is the highest point on the map and here, symbolically, the placements “appear” above all others in the horoscope.
The qualities of any sign or planet in this position correspond to that in us that is most visible and accessible to others, that which “appears” in us.
Considering that the Sky Fund and the 4th House (the opposite house) represent what we are in our privacy and how we behave in our homes, behind closed doors, the Mid-Heaven and the 10th House (naturally associated with Saturn and Capricorn) indicate how we behave publicly, the image we want to present to the world the types of clothes we wear when we “appear”.
Liz Greene calls the Middle of Heaven and the 10th House our “social shorthand” the way in which we would like to be seen by others and how we describe ourselves to them.
Still regarding the high position of the Mid-Heaven, positions in this area of the map suggest qualities for which we want to be admired, praised, appreciated and respected.
It is through the signs and planets in this position that we hope to achieve achievements, honor and recognition. 10th House positions show what we would most like to be remembered as our contribution to the world. This is the home of ambition, behind which hides the urge and compulsion to be considered and known.
The ancient Greeks believed that if they achieved a truly noble and heroic death they would be rewarded and would form a constellation in the heavens for all to see them for all eternity.
In addition to the recognition received, being famous means being in people’s minds forever. The isolated ego, so afraid of its own limitation, finds this idea reassuring.
The planet ruling the sign of the Mid-Heaven and its position by sign, house and aspect also elucidates us about career and vocation.
However, other areas of the map also have a considerable relationship with success in the profession (as well as the 6th House, the 2nd House, aspects of the Sun etc.), and the birth chart as a whole has to be carefully evaluated in order to advise someone wisely in this regard.
In some cases, the signs and planets in the 10th and 9th House near the Mid-Heaven can literally describe the nature of an individual’s career.
For example, Saturn in this position tends to indicate a professor, a judge or a scientist; Jupiter, an actor, a philosopher or a travel agent; and a pedagogue or an hotelier.
Thomas Mann, the famous German writer, had the communicative sign of Gemini in the Mid-Heaven and Mercury in the 10th House. Franz Schubert, the Austrian composer had the musical sign of Pisces in the Mid-Heaven and Neptune, his conductor, in the 5th, the home of creative expression.
Part of Fortune in 10th House – Meaning and Symbolism
10th House has to do with social position, reputation, ambition to pursue a career and responsibility towards society.
The location of Fortune in this house indicates that you find happiness when you cultivate your personal integrity and develop the strength to remain faithful to your ethical and professional principles.
The challenge is not to become rigid, despite occupying an important position in society, and not to demand that others necessarily share your point of view.
Not everything is black and white, and understanding the complex structures of life is not as simple as it seems.
Your social situation, which is so important to you, will only be solid when you know how to fully assume the responsibility it entails, and when you organize your environment according to the demands it represents.
You will probably have to accept a series of obligations that demand your full attention, but in the end you will feel great satisfaction when you see how the structures are being formed and you are receiving the deserved recognition.
Over time you will learn to make the right decisions and climb, thanks to your realistic and well thought out tactics, the rungs to the top.
Inside you feel a deep respect for each individual, and you stand out for your correct treatment, since you accept the limits of each one.
If you still need to develop any of the aforementioned qualities, it is worth doing it as soon as possible, if you want to feel true joy of living, because you will not easily forgive an inappropriate personal treatment.
In order for you to feel good it is also essential that you act in accordance with your high moral principles.
For example, your ethical sense will not allow you to take advantage of others and demand something that you have not earned by your own effort.
If, for any reason, you act that way, you will feel unhappy and dissatisfied, despising yourself.
Therefore, it is best that you set clear guidelines for yourself, without losing spontaneity due to excessive self-control.
You have the ability to use your social relationships for your purpose and achieve a good reputation.
On the other hand, your influential position makes it easier for you to support your colleagues and help with good advice.
Inside you feel a deep respect for each individual, and you stand out for your correct treatment, that you accept the limits of each one.