South Node in Leo

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Today, it is generally accepted in astrological circles that the Moon’s nodes are the main key to understanding our life as part of a continuous thread. Many astrologers believe that nodes are more important than the rest of the horoscope.

To a trained expert, data on the positions of the Sun, Moon and nodes can reveal an individual’s entire life.

On one level, these nodes reveal the track on which our soul moves to the present life, while the rest of the horoscope provides additional information on how we should travel.

South Node– Meaning

Today, it is generally accepted in astrological circles that the Moon’s nodes are the main key to understanding our life as part of a continuous thread.

Many astrologers believe that nodes are more important than the rest of the horoscope.

To a trained expert, data on the positions of the Sun, Moon and nodes can reveal an individual’s entire life.

On one level, these nodes reveal the track on which our soul moves to the present life, while the rest of the horoscope provides additional information on how we should travel.

It is through the nodes that Western astrology is today able to make the first breakthroughs in the connection of this divine science with the Hindu concept of reincarnation.

Nodes are the causal and consequential connections with which we lead our lives the rest of the horoscope manifests itself in the way it manifests itself.

The character and life of an individual have little significance, unless viewed in a broader context.

Nodes determine a person’s place on the way to heaven because they define the karmic collections he has chosen, in order to deal with them in this life.

Therefore, the temptations and sufferings begin to gain new meaning when they are seen as connected chapters of the continuous development of her soul.

A person is no longer separated from society, but, on the contrary, represents an important part of world evolution.

Everything she thinks and does is, finally, a karmic contribution to the perfection of her soul, which, when she reaches the final nirvana, represents progress in the world in which she participated. Man always wants to know the cause. And he always turns to history, looking for the answer to the assumption that the consequence always follows the cause.

The position of the nodes connects a person with the past and indicates the path to the future. When a person is able to firmly establish the roots of his past, he begins to test the thread of continuity that makes him safer in the movement of the future.

Nodes are, in fact, points of mental magnetism, one point leading to the future and another emerging from the past. The process we call life should place them at the center of happiness for the individual, so that his present incarnation becomes a symbol of the transition from the past to the future.

The South Node is a symbol of man’s past. It is not a symbol of some past incarnation, but a recombination of events, ideas, attitudes and thoughts from all incarnations whose accumulated unresolved effects have created the present life.

There is little he could do in the present life to significantly change the balance of many years of learning and habits.

Because of that, people tend to rely on their South Node as a comfortable stronghold of their past with whose paths they are very close. The house he builds for himself in this life can only remain the foundation he created earlier.

In his residence to start a new life there, the possibilities of his achievements will be limited or aided by everything he thought, said and did during his previous speech in parliament. You are the president of your current incarnation, but your karmic speech in parliament is a solid step on which you stand or crutches that support weak legs.

The South Node is potentially the weakest point in someone’s horoscope, because they represent the traces we left behind. Regardless of the paths, we have left a trail of the South Node today openly leading to the karmic heritage of the past.

We are constantly looking to the future and we rarely stop to examine the effects of everything we have created, until such effects come to us along the way.

However, the tracks we have made still exist, symbolizing life habits and thus pointing in the direction of the most obvious path of least resistance to many.

In fact, the most negative traits of a man are those that he has constantly nurtured in his soul for hundreds or thousands of years. He still tries to piece together fragments of his deep-rooted past, hoping to lay the cornerstone of his own future.

Too often, the past itself entangles a person in a certain type of curious fascination, returning to old behaviors, where he forgets the reason, rather than the means to the goal she originally envisioned.

The South Node can be quicksand, safe enough for a person to look back on, until they make physical steps towards it.

Leo – Meaning

The northern node in Leo symbolizes the struggle with the will. In this incarnation a person learns to develop strength on his own.

Circumstances force her to be alone, very often without a reliable messenger. In the end, she learns that if life is to be better for her, she must learn to create it herself.

However, before she can perform such a creation, she must overcome a determined carefree attitude. And in this life, a person continues the tendency from a past life to spend too much time feeling self-pity due to lack of friends, when he feels that he needs them most.

In a way, in moments of stress, it seems that others are never around. Long periods of loneliness, isolation and in many cases a good time spent alone are not uncommon.

Finally, when he makes a decision, there is little that can tear this person away from destiny that she has imposed isolation on herself as a precondition for gathering strength. Very capable of resolute leadership in this life, she must learn to overcome all doubts in herself.

The constant desire to maintain friendships from a past life is in fact weak, self-confidence. She must learn how to become multi-oriented towards a goal, and not follow the usual tendency to waste her own energy.

It is also interesting that, while she continues to think that she needs others to give her an answer, she rarely accepts their advice. From all walks of life.

In fact, they expand her outlook, because they are now strengthening her consciousness that she gained in previous incarnations.

Once her determination is strengthened, there is no stopping on the path to success, because she does not want to be different.

Many thoughts are turned to the future. In fact, she is used to living there, until one day she realizes that “today, yesterday was tomorrow” and that in the future there will be nothing that is not created now!

She does not belong to those people who are easiest to understand, because they will do everything to maintain and emphasize one’s own sense of individuality. In past incarnations, she has developed indifference to most of the world, allowing him to move freely on his way.

Now she feels proud that she is unique and different, not caring so much for social traditions as for every rule she has set for herself.

The biggest difficulty in this life is her lack of self-control. Without discipline, he can spend his strength on worthless jobs, until he realizes that no one will stand over him with a whip.

Many with this position of nodes live in want to enrich their lives; the great change that comes after the tendency to overlook turns into the ability to predict! They experience the greatest astonishment when they discover in themselves talents from previous lives, which they thought they never had.

South Node in Leo – Meaning

Happiness is achieved when the principles to which life is dedicated are established. In addition, the principles must be unwavering in order for a person to feel that he is creating something permanent.

Then she will identify her life with the breadth of principles she adheres to. Disturbed by the careless actions of others, which reminds her of past incarnations, this person feels a strong need to see life moving in a direct direction towards a certain goal.

However, she wants to preserve her complete independence.

As a result, she finds it difficult to tolerate others holding her hands. If they do that, they will see how he constantly provokes them.

The southern node in Aquarius carries with it roots from a past life, deeply immersed principles of honesty and equality.

In the current life, a person is given the opportunity to be independent, to be able to express inner beliefs without being restrained by others.

Now her task is to show people diplomatically or uncompromisingly, whatever she chooses, the ways in which the world can overcome its difficulties. He experiences the greatest achievements when he surrenders his personal will in the service of humanity.

There is no doubt in the good potential for leadership until the Aquarius sense of honesty, conceived in a past life, rebels. This person is able to make revolutionary changes in what was once founded as a tradition.

She is always amazed and fascinated by the possibilities that a person can reach.

At the same time, he is offended when he sees people regretting the restrictions they have imposed on themselves, because he has the experience of breaking through on his own.

She wants to stay on her feet, and not to be ridiculed for the superstitions she struggled to express with great difficulty. While her capacities for love are very large, her other potentials are not very developed.


The continuity of attraction from previous lives to the current delight throws her off track, making it difficult for her to see her essence clearly.

Therefore, she must identify with her achievements as the only barometer of her value.

Although, perhaps, she has a strong desire to be alone from time to time, she could never live without people, because she needs to be admired for her success. He believes in relentless justice, and yet he is quick to forgive when people admit they are wrong.

