It is there that the Ascending Node is aimed to connect the personal forces of the individual with the forces of the soul, in order to reintroduce social consciousness and something more. He can lift you to an almost unprecedented peak of self-realization in love, business and, as well as provide inner peace through independence and an exciting sense of success.
Uranus – Meaning and Info
Indicates unexpected changes in relations with the social environment, indicates happy career opportunities associated with the introduction of new technology and inventions.
In general, on the evolutionary path, opportunities are provided to such a person very often.
He is always ready for rapid change and is easily captured by unexpected proposals, often forgetting about the negative consequences of impulsive group enthusiasm.
Experiences shared together; sudden attraction; unstable relationships; diversity; innovation; activity; excitement, anxiety, disorder; quarreling; parting; restless; flighty; irritable; incidents; dreamy. Politicians; labor unions; inspired family; nervous people.
Uranium is an ascending node. Unexpected changes in social relations of the environment, unexpected chances in the profession from the introduction of new technology.
Preparedness for the dynamics of rapid change, caught up in surprises, forgetting about the consequences of impulsive mass enthusiasm.
You quickly define new directions in science and technology, art, cinema and any sphere dealing with the masses.
The best you can do is not resist the flow; if you do this, the negative tendencies of the South Lunar Node will drown you.
Each of us will have to experience one conjunction of transit Uranus with the natal one during life. He should not repeat the past unless the planet’s conjunction with the South Node pressure him to act that way.
Sometimes a person calmly and steadily floats with the flow, sometimes rushes from one stream to another, and all these features of human life show us the lunar nodes.
The cosmogram does not give us the opportunity to synthesize a single whole of all of the above, and we have the opportunity to correct the boundary of the time of birth in order to unite together the meanings of the implemented tasks through the natal Moon.
The people symbolized by the position of the Descending Node in the sign and house of our birth chart and its aspects should be evaluated critically in order to reduce their negative impact on our lives. They bring in our life the emotions tormenting the soul, which, as we know, only time can soothe.
North Node – Meaning and Info
In general, a square at first impression looks like a trine, but soon random obstacles appear, laziness, incoherence, external circumstances. Do we feel it?
Approaching this aspect from a more positive point of view – relying on Saturnine discipline, responsibility, organization and respect for boundaries – it enables people with such a connection to work with such remarkable skill, precision and experience that it sets them apart from the competition.
What is dear to you may change, which is part of your system of reliability and confidence.
The North Node is the most important point in the natal chart. In a past life this is the ability to intuitively understand the formative directions, and to calculate everything thoughtfully to your advantage.
In this case, relationships are formed between people based on mutual interest and effective cooperation in such spheres of active life as business, scientific research, technology and production, politics and social reforms.
The cosmogram does not give us the opportunity to synthesize a single whole of all of the above, and we have the opportunity to correct the boundary of the time of birth in order to unite together the meanings of the implemented tasks through the natal Moon.
This can lead to spiritual heights of consciousness, to a close relationship with someone’s artistry or someone’s deity, or to an obsessive relationship of madness, like William Bonin.
You want to become a participant in the historical process, and better than others you realize the laws that underlie the Universe and the development of mankind.
Many people, including those far from astrology, notice a certain fateful nature of eclipses.
It is possible to meet strangers whom you feel you knew before. That is, it seems to be inside all the time and serves as such a reserve for new undertakings along the North Node.
If Mars stands trine or sextile to the depositor Venus, then a person very subtly feels what needs to be said to any social situation.
I have always been convinced that there is no one outside the Netherlands and it will not soon appear anyone who, according to his merits, could be compared with him, according to the perfection of his art in all the various genres of painting.
Uranus Conjunct North Node – Synastry, Transit, Composite
For the first time, a young man, through the power of contrast with his beloved, the effect of opposition can find out what he is. They are attracted to grandiose ideas and abstractions, but the lack of the ability to look at the matter from the outside often slows down the implementation of ideas.
The unworked chronic Virgo is drowning in the chaos of small material details for her.
At the age of 25, the North Node joins Uranus in the X House, while Uranus passes. This is one of the indications of the need to implement the debt program on an event plan.
The fact that the 10th House is a royal sign, in Leo, Mars rules the 7th House of relationships with the outside world, confirms that the partners of Rubens’ life were dukes and kings, high-ranking and influential people. If it is dangerous for a young person to be too immersed in himself, the older person needs to give himself serious attention.
In connections and contacts, they do not tolerate any restrictions, they are looking for new and original forms of communication.
With the correct use of the Lunar Node Axis, the 4th house will turn into a source nourishing the roots and feelings of the personality, connecting it with the origin and inner know-how.
Unusual appearance, great growth, mobility, the meaning and consequence of the great geographical discoveries of the mind, quick reaction, extreme personality. With a negative manifestation, Ketu gives unexpected troubles or some kind of fatal predisposition to unhappy events in this life.
This underestimated restraint Wagner was able to clothe a significant musical form, giving it subtle romantic colors and bright halftones.
Everything noted and presupposes the Ascendant of Libra and the harmoniously expected day of his birth Venus. You cannot be the right time and the right place, take a chance, something always gets in the way.
Although the only unfavorable aspect of Mercury with Saturn is not capable of completely destroying the relationship of two loving people, but if it coexists with several more difficult configurations of Saturn, then this may already be too much. These people usually have unusual relationships at work and in the immediate environment.
Life calls us to this power and wants to pour out all its grace on us if we turn in this direction, and do not stubbornly turn towards the southern node. Neptune always poses an internal problem, but sometimes with the help of the most difficult external circumstances.
Some of them, under certain conditions, behave in the same way as uranium is extracted with the same organic solvents, settle on the same ion-exchange resins, and precipitate under the same conditions.
Capturing a free neutron, the nucleus of the uranium 235U isotope fissions, while a sufficiently large energy is released per uranium nucleus, mainly due to the kinetic energy of fragments and radiation.
By the way, the South Node is also involved in conjunction with Uranus. Frigidity is possible, refusing love to another, a person causes suffering to himself and his partner.
Good for businessmen sociability, dexterity, resourcefulness, diplomatic ability, an objective look, always picky, will not follow the lead of his feelings, lives by his own mind. I take the view of the South Node as a point of regression, pushing us back the swamp and do not consider it to be of great value. He sells art and oriental rugs all over the world.
However, this is not the same thing is also very important, especially in the initial stage of life. Where the South Node operates, a person’s social programs seem to be familiar with everything, and these types of social relations are well known to him, but for him they are standard, they can be used within reasonable limits.
Node Excitability in the presence of other people. Similar to the connection of the inner planet with the Lunar Node, which we talked about in the previous chapter, the outer planet of the connection with the North Node indicates those qualities that should be consciously developed during the current incarnation.
In the chart of my loved one there is an almost exact conjunction of the North Node with Uranus, the royal degree, which is in conjunction with Neptune.
If Jupiter is somehow connected with these points, then this sign is very favorable, and this configuration is able to neutralize the influence of many unfavorable aspects.
And finally, the four most important fixed stars, marking the quarters of the celestial sphere, which should be located in accordance with the solstice points, as a result of precession, slowly move away from their proper position, indicating the fallen state of the Universe and marking the longest of all cosmic cycles, the cycle of time as such.
The program should at least not set the goal of getting rich, while you can be rich, but not put money at the forefront.
The North Node is the most important point in the natal chart. In a past life this is the ability to intuitively understand the formative directions, and to calculate everything thoughtfully to your advantage.
In this case, relationships are formed between people based on mutual interest and effective cooperation in such spheres of active life as business, scientific research, technology and production, politics and social reforms.